Available Resources: Rebel Cloud & Hosting

NSI offers both compute cloud and hosting services to its users.

  • Hosting services: NSI provides rack space and connectivity for user-owned physical servers. There are specific hardware requirements in order for a server to be eligible for hosting. In general, these requirements are: rack mountable in a 19in standard data rack, front-to-back cooling air flow, dual power supplies (or an automatic transfer switch). A BMC (baseboard management controller) is highly desirable.

    Gigabit (1Gb/s) copper and 10Gb/s (fiber) network connectivity is available. Depending on speed, additional specific hardware may be required.

    The system owner is responsible for any software aquisition and licensing for their server.

    Unless otherwise agreed to, NSI will provide power and network connectivity only to user-owned servers. NSI will assume no responsibility for the correct operation, maintenance, or security of user's hosted servers.

    Contact NSI if you are interested in additional support for user-owned servers.

  • Rebel Cloud compute service: NSI provides users the option of using cloud computing instances. These are intended for short-term small user needs. Large applications should be run on one of the large high-performance clusters instead.

    Unless otherwise agreed to, the following limitations apply to cloud instances.

    • Maximum of 5 concurrent instances, will less than 140 cpu hours runtime. Each instance will have 4 virtual cpus or less, 16Gb Ram, 1Tb disk.
    • User is responsible for ensure that all software properly licensed.
    • User's may connect to their Bulk Data Storage area for additional storage.
    • one public (floating) IP number for inbound network access.
    • one private network for communication between instances.

The primary purpose for Rebel Cloud is short-term ad-hoc computing. Users are required to administer their own cloud instances. NSI assumes no responsibility for the correct operation, continuity of service,or the security of user's cloud instances.

NOTE: Rebel Cloud instances are for non-sensitive (i.e. no HIPAA) data only. User owned physical servers can only handle sensitive data when the server is governed by an approved security plan.

Contact NSI for more information on how to develop a security plan and submit it for approval.